Who We Are

Our Church

I AM 316 Christian Community Church was started in August 2017 by a group of people coming together with the common desire to worship Christ in truth. Our gatherings first began in people’s homes, and by God’s grace we are now growing. As a people, we are here to serve our church and community faithfully. We ask that you keep us in prayer as we forge ahead in proclaiming the gospel.  

We are a Christ-centered church who believes in the sovereignty of God and in the sufficiency of scripture. Our purpose is to know God and to make Him known.

Our Leaders


Renix Delcy est né dans une famille évangélique chrétienne. Il est marié avec Maudeline B. Delcy depuis 1994 et il est le père de deux garçons (Dan et Eldad). Il a fait des études de deuxième cycle en administration des affaires et en théologie. Dès son plus jeune âge, il s’impliquait dans diverses activités de l’église. Dans son parcourt d’ouvrier dans l’œuvre du Seigneur, il a été membre des associations de jeunesse, enseignant à l’école dominicale, responsable d’évangélisation et d’étude biblique, membre du corps des diacres etc. Il collabore depuis plusieurs années avec de nombreux leaders religieux en leur apportant son aide dans la prédication et dans l’organisation des églises en implantation. Sa devise est : que sa vie soit un culte agréable à l’Éternel.


George Forbes was born in the Bahamas and grew up in a godly, single-parent home. He moved to Canada in 1979 and married the love of his life, Joanne. He is father to three children and grandfather to six grandchildren. George is an avid gardener and enjoys most sports especially baseball, volleyball and football.

During his youth, George attended a small Baptist church and was mentored by a godly pastor and exemplary Sunday school teachers. He gave his life to Christ at a very young age and was baptized when he was just eleven years old. He is so grateful for the impact that these servants of Christ had on his life, as well as the example of his loving mother, Aramithea. Today George sings praises to his Lord and Saviour and strives to live a godly life. Apart from ministering in music and song most of his life, George was involved in a prison outreach ministry for over 25 years. He also taught Sunday School and took part in church leadership as deacon. His passion is to love Jesus and radiate that love toward his family, friends and the people God puts in his path. George has been part of I Am 3:16 Fellowship Church from its beginnings and considers it a privilege to serve with other faithful, godly men on the Board and to collaborate with the worship team.


Enzo lives in Montreal, Quebec with his wife, Marisa, and daughters, Sarah & Deborah. They have been attending I Am 3:16 Christian Fellowship Church since its beginning in August 2017. Enzo works for a compressed gas company as a Branch Manager. God showed Enzo incredible grace by allowing him to be born into a loving, Christian family where his mother, siblings, uncles, aunts, cousins are all believers.

From a very young age, he was exposed to scripture, church life, and regularly heard the gospel from his family. This left no doubt in his mind that Jesus loved him. During a youth convention, in a simple yet genuine way, Enzo understood that he had broken God’s law and needed a Savior. Though he was but a young teenager of 14 years of age, he understood and appreciated God’s loving grace through the sacrificial death of His Son, Jesus. As God drew Enzo to Himself, he gave his life over to Him and was baptized shortly thereafter. However, it wasn’t until he was in his mid-twenties that he began to really make that faith in Christ his own. Enzo truly understood his great need for a Savior at a deeper level. The Lord used two particular ministries as a catalyst to his spiritual growth: Grace To You, a ministry of John MacArthur, and Ligonier Ministries, a ministry of the late R.C. Sproul.


Carlo was born in a small village in Calabria, Italy and came to Canada at the age of ten. After completing high school, he started working and has been employed in the same industry ever since. Carlo had the opportunity to continue his education with his employer and pursued a career in Quality Control for Inspection of Aerospace Components. Having obtained the highest certification in his field, Carlo thanks God for helping him achieve this undertaking. He loves spending time with the Lord in prayer and listening to or reading His Word. He also enjoys cycling, golf and routinely uses the treadmill. It is Carlo’s belief that taking care of one’s body is an investment for senior years, granting the resilience and focus necessary to accomplish life’s opportunities and challenges.

As the Treasurer of the Board at I Am 3:16 Fellowship Church, Carlo is responsible for assuring that the offerings are managed in a diligent and trustworthy manner and that funds are used to support all necessary expenses, to fulfill the needs of the fellowship, and to attend to the needs of brothers and sisters in the body of Christ and beyond when necessary. All must be done to honor the Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Carlo came to know Christ as his Saviour in 2010 when his niece persevered in speaking to him about Jesus Christ being the only way to salvation. It wasn’t long before Carlo accepted the message and began attending a weekly bible study. Soon he started attending church every Sunday and was baptized. His commitment to get to know the Lord more and more led to an exponential increase in his faith. Carlo asserts that accepting the Lord Jesus was the best decision he has ever made.

what we believe

Basic Statement of Faith

  1. We believe the entire Bible, both the Old and New Testaments, to be inspired of God... God-breathed, without error in the original writings, and that it is our supreme and final authority in faith and life.
  2. We believe in the Holy Trinity (Triune God). There is one God, who exists eternally in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
  3. We believe the Holy Spirit has been sent by the Father and is the fulfillment of Christ's promise. He regenerates, seals, guides the believer, and empowers us to live a life free from the bondage of sin and death. We believe that the Holy Spirit indwells God's people and gives them the strength and wisdom to trust Christ and follow Him.
  4. We believe that Jesus will return, bodily and visibly, to judge all mankind and to receive His people to Himself.
  5. We believe that all are sinners and fall short of God’s glory and must rely on His grace for salvation.
  6. We believe Jesus Christ is the eternal and only begotten Son of God who, through His perfect life and sacrificial death, atoned for the sins of all who believe in Him.
  7. We believe that those who are Christ's enter into Heaven and its eternal joys upon death.
  8. We believe that those who do not believe in Christ will be consigned to everlasting punishment in the lake of fire which is the second death.
  9. We believe that all aspects of a Christian’s life are to be lived to the glory of God, under the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
  10. We believe that Baptism and the Lord's Supper are the two sacraments/ordinances that the Church is required to administer.
  11. We believe that the offices of Elder and Deacon are the two offices that have continued in the Church, while other offices such as Apostle and Prophet have ceased.

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sundays at 11 am

8025 Av. André Ampère
Montréal, QC H1E 2W6